Creating and Modifying Jobs

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Creating New Jobs



To enter a new job, click on Add to create the next sequential Job number. Now enter data in the header fields.  You are now able to manually type in the Job name and select the Estimator, Customer, Sales Rep and Manager from the drop down boxes provided. If the desired selection does not appear in the drop downs, don't forget to make sure it is entered in the database first. You can do this through the Utilities Module. A Lead Time can also manually be entered here. The lead-time is a text field so you could enter 4 - 6 weeks for example.


At this point, we have a choice regarding the entry of a customer name or a prospect name. For regular customers we choose them from the drop down menu. If we are dealing with a new prospect we can add their name to the Prospect form.


To enter a new prospect, click on Tools and the Prospects. Enter the prospect data and then “Save”. This prospect information is available in the Estimating and Job Costing modules.


This is a convenient feature that allows the user to provide a quote to a prospect. If the prospect accepts the quote, the user can add the prospect name to the accounts receivable customer list. This data can be imported into OrderStream.


To add an existing quote, sales order or work order, drop the combo in any of the appropriate columns and click on the desired record. It will now be included in this job.


To create or to view quotes, sales orders and work orders, the user can double click in the field under these column headers and the form will display. If a new record is entered, the record number will display in the appropriate field.

Other views that are available on the Job Costing screen are Change Orders, Milestones, Financial Summary and Bid List. These are all accessible by clicking on the appropriate tab.


Job Costing provides powerful capabilities to manage and control project costs. Here are the variations of different customer requests for job cost reports that have been suggested over the years for your discussion with your Seradex Project Manager:


1) Should budgeted materials come from Quotes SO or WO? If you trigger off the SO then you won't have a frozen budget number. If a part arrives broken and you add a 2nd no charge SO to send a replacement then the budgeted materials number increases. Every time you run the report the budgeted and materials numbers may change. If budgeted materials coming from Sales Order - What if you generate WO from SO and edit the BOM? If you get budget materials from the WO instead what happens to SO that haven't had WO generated yet


2) Should actual material costs include just materials transferred to the WO, materials transferred plus materials committed on open PO, Just material evaporated when a WO is completed or partially completed? Should costs be std cost, actual cost - what happens if PO Invoiced cost is different from PO cost? Is scrap and rework to be included? What if materials were reallocated at WO? What about stock items that were shipped direct - ie just an Invoice, or SO and Invoice or SO, Shipment and Invoice? What about Credit notes - should material costs on Credit Notes be deducted? What about materials transferred to a Vendor on a sub contract document? ? Are sub WO's being used? Are parts from service orders to be included? Are all SO items to be included in the contract totals i.e. some customers in the past haved wanted freight, warranty and sales taxe items excluded. Should inventory adjustments made to WIP be included or excluded?


3) For Budgeted  Labor costs - again do these come from SO? What routing changes are made at WO? Is data collection done for all WO's if not is standard labor from the WO to be used? Percentae complete is usually an issue. Suppose a WO calls for 100 hrs to produce 100 widgets. Current Actual labor is 50hrs but only 40 widgets are completed - what is the percentage completed? Is labor from Service Orders to be included?



Change Orders



If a customer requires major changes to the job, we can enter a new quote in the change order tab. This menu looks identical to the contract menu.


The process of creating a new estimate, sales order or work order can also be followed and all data is still under the main job.






The milestones tab is a convenient management tool for controlling the key dates of a job. These are entered by the user and allow setting up dates for engineering complete, purchasing complete, customer approval of drawings and so forth.



Bid List



If several companies are asking the user to provide a quote for the same project, the pricing to each may not be the same. Margins, commissions or other items may vary and result in separate prices for each company. This screen allows the user to track these prices.