Clears the service order form and enables the user to enter a new service ticket
Saves the current service ticket
Deletes the current service ticket
Closes the service order module
By clicking on the View menu you can sort the viewing of Service Tickets by their status; Example – All, Active, Inactive etc.
Will print a copy of the current Service Ticket (you can also do this from the reports module). The report that is printed will be a copy of the Seradex standard Service Ticket report. If Seradex has created a customized Service Ticket report for your company, then your custom report will be the one that will be printed.
Allows you to view and/or print a range of Service Tickets. You will be prompted with a reports menu that will enable you to choose the range of Service Tickets you desire.
The help menu will allow you to check the version of the Service.dll that you are using. By selecting “About”, a menu will appear informing you of the exact version # you are using. This will be helpful when you require technical assistance. Always inform Seradex which DLL version you are using and this will enable us to properly test or investigate any issues you may have. It will also enable Seradex to quickly identify if you have the latest version (or upgrade) of the Customer Service module
Opens OrderStream Help directly to the section dedicated to the service order module
Grid Context (Right Click)
Right click menu functionality is available only on the Parts and Labor tab.
Launches the Item Editor module with the selected item's bill of material loaded
Launches the item running balance form defaulted to the selected item
Opens the inventory lookup form defaulted to the selected item
Launches the lookup items form defaulted to the selected item
Saves the field widths and heights. The next time the service order module is opened, it will load based on the saved settings.
Restores the field widths and heights to their default size.