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Calculated When

Standard Cost

For Buy Items Standard Cost = Item Vendor Cost x Duty Factor x Freight Factor x Overhead Factor

A) If Do Not Roll Up is off in Application Preferences immediately on updating Vendor Costs

B) If Do Not Rollup is on then this is updated manually when Item Rollup is performed.

Standard Cost Variance

The difference between Actual Cost and Standard Cost

When processing Vendor or Customer Invoices

Purchase Price Variance

The difference between the PO price and Vendor Invoice Price

When processing Vendor Invoices

Actual Cost

For Buy Items: The Actual Cost invoiced by the vendor

For Make Items: The actual material cost based on the addition of all child item FIFO inventory costing and the actual labor costs assigned to the work order from data collection

When processing Vendor or Customer Invoices

Most Recent Cost

The cost the last time a buy item was purchased or a make item was manufactured

On receipt of a buy item

Replacement Cost

The current cost to purchase a buy item from a Vendor

After updating Vendor costs.