Header Filters
The Material Requisition filters appear as indicated in the following image.
From Work Order – To Work Order
These combos allow the user to filter the view of open material requisition items between one work order and another.
From Sales Order – To Sales Order
Allows the user to filter the view of open material requisition items between one sales order and another.
Include Order By Date Filter
This feature allows the user to filter the list of open items on the material requisition screen by the date that items should be ordered by.
Item Type
This combo allows the user to filter the material requisition form by the type of the item (Non Stock, Stock, Subcontract, Subcontract-child, all)
Order Dates
This feature allows the user to filter the list within a specified Order By Date range. The Include Order By Date Filter checkbox must be checked to use the Order By Date filters.
Detail Filters
The empty row immediately below the detail column names can be used to filter for specific results. In the example shown below, the description field filter was used to display only Mat Req details which contained the word "Angle" in their description.