Material Requistion Dates and Colour Coding

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The Material Requisition is colour coded to facilitate ease of use for the purchasing personnel. The colour coding is driven by the relationship between the expected PO due date and and the required date AND the proximity of the order by date to today's date.


Non Stock Items (Items where the Stock flag is unchecked OR the Stock flag is checked and no Reorder information is specified):


Order By Date:  The date that a PO must be issued to meet the Work Order Start Date. If the material requisition was generated from the work order module the initial order by date calculation is work order start date the vendor lead time assigned to the item. If the order by date calculation yields a date that is in the future no further calculations are done.  If the order by date calculation yields a date which is less than today's date, the order by date becomes today's date.  For example, if the vendor lead time is 5 days and the Work Order Start Date is 10/31/2008 the Order By Date is 10/26/2008. The calculation is based on working days.


If the material requisition was generated from the sales order module and there is not yet a work order generated for the sales order the initial order by date calculation is the sales order due date - 7 working days - the vendor lead time assigned to the item.  Since sales orders do not have a start date, a hard coded value of 7 working days is used as a substitute for the work order start date.  If the order by date calculation yields a date that is in the future no further calculations are done.  If the order by date calculation yields a date which is less than today's date, the order by date becomes today's date.


Required Date:  The date the non stock items are required for production.  If the material requisition was generated from the work order module, the required date is equal to the work order start date + the number of offset days assigned to the item in the item master.  If the material requisition was generated from the sales order module and a work order has not yet been generated for the sales order, the required date is equal to the sales order due date - 7 working days + the number of offset days assigned to the item in the item master.


Expected PO Due Date:  This is the date the purchase order will be due based on the vendor lead time assigned to the item.  If the number of days between the required date and the order by date is equal to or greater than the vendor lead time assigned to the item, the expected PO due date will be equal to the required date.  If the number of days between the required date and the order by date is less than the vendor lead time assigned to the item, the expected PO due date will be equal to the order by date + the vendor lead time.  The expected PO due date will be later than the required date in this case, indicating that the material will be late.


Stock Items (Items where the Stock flag is checked and Reorder information is specified):


Selecting Items from the Main MRP form:  The Order By Date will be  equal to the current date. The Required Date and the Expected PO Date are set to the current date + the vendor lead time assigned to the item.  Since the Order By Date is today the line will be color coded yellow (Order By date is within one week). If the items are not purchased today, when the Mat Req is opened tomorrow the order by date for the line will be set to tomorrow's date and the Expected PO Due Date will be advanced one day.  The line will be colour coded red because the Expected PO Date is now later than the Required Date.


Selecting Items from the MRP Sales Order or Work Order Lookups:  If the Disable Assigning Owner Info from Buy/Stock MRP Lookup application preference is not enabled (which is the system default setting), the work order start date (when using the work order MRP lookup) is used as the required date when the item is processed and is sent to the material requisition form.  The order by date and the expected PO due date are calculated in the same fashion as described above for non stock items.


The colour coding is as follows:


Line Colour



Default Color The Order By date is more than 7 days from today. You can wait to see if any other items will need to be ordered from this vendor and consolidate multiple items onto a single purchase order.


Indicates a sub-contract parent item. Please see the section dedicated to the Sub Contracting Module.


The Expected PO Due Date is later than the Required Date. This item is late and will not arrive in time for the work order start date.


The Order By Date is within 7 days of today based on the vendor lead time you will need to order the item within the next week to arrive in time for the work order start date. You can wait a few days to see if any other items will need to be ordered from this vendor and can consolidate multiple items onto a single purchase order.