Mass Vendor Item Cost Update

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You have just received notice that one of your primary vendors is increasing their prices by 10% across the board.  In years past this meant a great deal of data input was required to update the costs of all affected items one at a time.  In OrderStream you have the ability to update all items assigned to a particular vendor by applying a blanket percentage increase, or you can update a vendors items individually.


To perform the cost update(s),


1. Open the Tools menu

2. Expand the Costing option and

3. Select Item Vendor Costing.




The form displayed below will load.




Type the vendor name or select the vendor from the vendor drop down menu.  All the items assigned to the selected vendor will load as shown below.




Creating A Mass Cost Update by Percentage


To create a mass update which will be applied to all of the items assigned to the selected vendor, enter the increase percentage into the Percent Change field located on the top right side of the form.




Click the Save button to apply the increase to all of the displayed items.  You will be prompted to Roll Up the affected items.




Clicking Yes will apply the updated cost and roll up the affected items.  Clicking No will only update the selected vendors cost for the displayed items.  You will be prompted when the process is complete.




Updating Individual Item Costs


If the cost increase cannot be universally applied to all of the selected vendors items, you may also update costs item by item by entering an increase percentage into the Pct Change field or by entering an increase value into the Amt Change field.




If a percentage is entered, the Amt Change value is calculated and displayed in the Amt Change field.  If an Amt Change value is entered, the Pct Change value is calculated and displayed in the Pct Change field.  Click the Save button to apply the updated costs and to roll up the items (if desired).