Field and Tab Reference

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The number of the purchase order as established in your GEN KEY settings.

Defaults to todays date. Displays the order date.

Shows the default ship via information for the selected vendor. A user can override this with a different ship via.

Will automatically fill in with the currently logged in user if the user has been setup properly in the employees lookup module. This value can be overwritten by selecting the drop down.

User defined Status that you can set for a purchase order (system setup required).

The default terms of the selected vendor.

Displays the PO type. Alternate PO Types are available but require system setup.

Indicates if the PO has been approved. Once approved no changes can be made to the PO with the exception of comments/reference notes.


Details Grid


Item No of the item selected

The selected Revision of the item

The selected items description

The Category of the item selected

The date that the line item is due to arrive at your facility

The qty to order.

The Unit of Measure ordered

The quantity expressed in the item's cost UOM.

Unit of Measure for costing purposes.

The cost of one item.

The weight of the item if available

The cost of the item including any applied factors.
Unit Cost + Freight + Duty + Overhead + Exchange Rate

Enter a discount percentage to calculate the discount dollars

Enter a discount dollar amount to calculate the discount %

The extended cost of the line item

Used to record an alternate qty for reporting purposes.

Used to record an alternate UOM for reporting purposes.

The total qty to place into inventory upon receipt

The qty of the line received thus far

The vendors item no for the selected item

If the purchase order is related to a sales order, the sales order number will be displayed here.

If the purchase order is related to a work order, the work order number will be displayed here.

The line no of either the sales order or work order will be displayed if applicable.

This field can be checked off manually, but for the most part it is a field that the system will automatically check off, if the line item on a Purchase Order is deemed to be a Hot Flagged Item


Hot Flagged Items occur under the following conditions, from a Work Order a material requisition can be created, and in turn, from a material requisition a Purchase Order can be created.  Once it becomes time to actually do the Work Order an Items Transfer is done against the Work Order to reserve all materials that are needed to complete the Work Order. 


If some of the materials are not in inventory, the system will find the Purchase Order that has been issued for this material, against this Work Order, and mark that material as Hot Flagged.  This material will then appear on a Hot Flagged report that is either specific to each Items Transfer, or global, (every Hot Flagged item in the system).  Also, when the receiver goes to receive this material it will show in the receiving module as a Flagged item, alerting the receiver to the fact that this material is needed right away by some work order.

Indicates if the line item on the PO is owned by a sales order or a work order.

If the line item is related to a subcontracted document, the document number is displayed.

Displays the default job cost category of the item selected.

Defaults to the default location of the selected item.  User may override.

Displays the default GL location of the item. 

To ensure that when changing the Category of an item on a PO line the GL Account field will be updated to reflect the GL Account associated to the new category.

Displays the default GL dept of the selected item

Allows the user to select a predefined user as the person that is requesting the material.

Can store comments/notes about the line item that you would like to appear on reports.

Displays the default freight factor that is being applied to the line item.  User may override.

Displays the default duty that is being applied to the line item.  User may override.

Displays the default overhead factor that is being applied to the line item.  User may override.

Displays the current system exchange rate that is being applied to the line item selected.

Displays the total of all taxes being applied to the line item selected.

Indicates if the line item is an item that you keep in stock.

A field that users can use for their own purposes.

Used to record the last revised date given from a vendor (reporting purposes only)

Used to store the vendor initials (reporting purposes only)

Used to store the vendors description of the most recent revision changes.

Indicates if the line has been partially received, received…

List the current campaign that the line item selected is related to.


Accounts Tab


The associated vendor number code for the selected vendor.

The name of the vendor.

Launches a lookup form for the user to search for a vendor by a combination of vendor no, item no, vendor item no, description, lead time, category, vendor name and previously known item no.

Address information of the selected vendor.

Default FOB information of the selected vendor.

Displays the Ship To information of the selected company, vendor or customer.


Additional Info Tab


The contact you are dealing with at the vendor. A drop down list is provided to handle multiple contacts at a vendor. An ellipse button is present to allow users to add contacts on the fly.

Displays the current currency and rate of the vendor.

Shows that this PO came from a Material Requisition.

Displays the vendors registration number

Displays all the receiving receipts associated to this PO. Double clicking on these receipt numbers will display the receipt.

Indicates if the PO is completed

Indicates if the Vendor is using EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

Indicates if this PO has been printed previously.

Displays the website of the selected vendor.

Displays the Vendors AR account No

Displays the default shipping terms of the selected vendor.

Displays the invoicing history for the selected PO. Double clicking on these numbers will show the invoice details.


Comments Tab


Used to hold a reference that can be used for reporting purposes.

Used to show a comment for the PO that is printed at the bottom of the standard PO report.


Purchase Order Revision Tab


This tab stores the Purchase Order Revision information.