This field can be checked off manually, but for the most part it is a field that the system will automatically check off, if the line item on a Purchase Order is deemed to be a ‘Hot Flagged Item’.
Hot Flagged Items occur under the following conditions, from a Work Order a material requisition can be created, and in turn, from a material requisition a Purchase Order can be created. Once it becomes time to actually do the Work Order an Items Transfer is done against the Work Order to reserve all materials that are needed to complete the Work Order.
If some of the materials are not in inventory, the system will find the Purchase Order that has been issued for this material, against this Work Order, and mark that material as Hot Flagged. This material will then appear on a Hot Flagged report that is either specific to each Items Transfer, or global, (every Hot Flagged item in the system). Also, when the receiver goes to receive this material it will show in the receiving module as a ‘Flagged’ item, alerting the receiver to the fact that this material is needed right away by some work order.