The installation program installs the Seradex code that existed when the version was released. To ensure you have all the latest files and patches you will need to run Web Update to download them from the Seradex web site.
From the Admin Tools menu click on Setup AutoUpdater.
To set the Seradex File Location, select the Root Folder of the current release on your server using the ellipse command button.
NOTE: In order to prevent unscheduled updates, it is recommended that Setup Auto Updater is set to be password protected. If you require assistance in setting up password protection for Auto Updater please contact Seradex Tech Support to assist you.
Now you are ready to update from the Seradex web site.
With the use of the Seradex Web Based Auto Updater the user will have instant access to all the most recent code for any Seradex modules.
This is a 2-step process:
Web Update
To access this form, click on the Tools menu and then Web Update.
This form displays any dll from the Seradex web site that is newer than files found on your server. Click on update to down load these new dll’s to your server location.
You will be prompted to set all OrderStream workstations to update the next time OrderStream is run.
By selecting the Update All command button a red check (ToUpdate) will appear next to each user’s name under the filed Status. This means that all users will be automatically updated the next time they logon to Seradex.
NOTE: If a new AdminTools.dll is downloaded during the web update process, you do not have set all users to update, since more updates are likely available. Run the web update process a second time to download these updates. Once the second round of updates has been downloaded you can then set your users to update. If there happens to be no updates available during the second running of web update, you can them manually set all users to update.
Data Transfer
Go to the “Tools” menu and click on Update System Data. This updates report queries, data model changes (new tables and fields), core search queries and search setup.
The file for data transfer is found under the data sub folder within the main Seradex folder on the server. Now click on Update ActiveM to complete the process.
Please Note: If only a new DataTransfer.mdb is downloaded during the web update process, you do not have to set users to update. Data Transfers are applied to the database, not to individual workstations.
Citrix and Terminal Servers
The method employed when performing a web update differs depending on if there are users on the Citrix/Terminal server or if there are no users on the Citrix/Terminal server.
When Users are Connected and Using OrderStream via Terminal Server
Open the Web Update form and download the available updates. Once the files are downloaded, the Web Update will prompt to set everyone to Update. We recommend that you select no to this prompt. It will then bring you back to the "Setup AutoUpdater" form.
At this point, click on "Update All" and then de-select the Citrix/Terminal Servers and then save. The Citrix/Terminal Servers must be manually updated once no users are on the system. We recommend using the automatic functionality at that time; however, you could manually update the systems by selecting "Update This PC" from the "Admin Tools" menu on the main form, but this method will not update the "Date Updated" field on the "Setup AutoUpdater" form.
The Automatic method, which will update that field, is to go into "Setup AutoUpdater" and select manually the Citrix/Terminal Servers to be updated. Next close OrderStream and then run OrderStream one time on each Citrix/Terminal Server to update them.
When No Users are Connected and Using OrderStream via Terminal Server
Open the Web Update form and download the available updates. Once the files are downloaded, the Web Update will prompt to set everyone to Update. Select Yes in this case, and then close OrderStream and finally run OrderStream once on each Citrix/Terminal Server to apply the updates.