Day End Processing Menu

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File Menu


Menu Option


Load Invoices

Populates the Day End Processing form with approved invoices within the posting date.


Creates the batch file or posts directly to your accounting system depending on the accounting system used.  Same as clicking the Post button.


Closes the Day End Processing form.


Tools Menu


Menu Option


Accounting Preferences

Opens the Application Preferences module directly to the Accounting Preferences tab.

Rebatch Mode

Enables you to redo a posting batch in the case of errors or omissions.  See Rebatch Mode for more information.

Import Commissions

Posts sales rep commissions to your accounting software.  For more information see Sales Quota Module.


Help Menu


Menu Option


Day End Help

Opens OrderStream Online Help directly to the section dedicated to Day End Processing.


Provides information about Day End Processing, such as the version number.  In the event you log a customer care ticket to Seradex, it is important to include the version number in your log.