Creating and Modifying Estimates

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Creating a New Estimate



Click the ADD button located in the bottom left of the form.  Doing this will clear any information that is already on the form and prepare it for the entry of new information. 


The user is now ready to enter in all the necessary information.  Please follow the steps below to do this,


1.Choose your customer and select an alternate ship to address if different from the default
2.Enter an appropriate quote name from the Additional Information tab
3.Select Yes for customer from A/R
4.Make sure all relevant information is filled in under the Additional Information tab (contact, sales rep, territory, terms code, ship via, price list)
5.Select an estimator (employee) from the Additional Information tab
6.Enter the quote date and due date
7.Enter a status and a customer reference number
8.Enter any comments from the comments tab to be directed to the appropriate reports
9.Enter a non-configured item with a structure and check the item details
10. Check the pricing, weight, UOM, cost and all other relevant information
11. Check to make sure the status field is populated
12. Choose your quantity and add any discounts if applicable
13. Save the quote (estimate # generated) and check the calculations to be sure you have the correct information
14. Add an overall discount (discount field located below subtotal) if applicable
15. Re-save estimate. 
16. Go to the reports option to view and print the estimate check that all information is correct.  Note that you cannot print an estimate that is in an unsaved state. 

     You must complete step 15 prior to printing.


Once the above steps have been concluded the estimate can be saved into the system by simply pressing the SAVE button in the bottom left corner of the form.  At this time the estimate will be saved, and an estimate number will be assigned to it that displays in the top left corner of the form.


To refer to this estimate in the future simply select it using the number that was just assigned to it from the drop down-menu labeled Estimate No in the top left corner of the form.



Adding Items to Estimates



Two types of items can be added to an Estimate:


1.Regular sell items that have been created via Item Editor
2.Custom items created via the Configurator.


Adding Regular Items


To add a regular item to an estimate, simply type the desired item number into the item number field.  You will notice OrderStream's type ahead functionality will automatically fill in the nearest matching item number based on your most recent keystroke, making locating an item item number simple.  You may also select an item by opening the item number drop down menu and selecting the appropriate number.  The items will be listed in ascending order in the drop down menu.


When you have selected an item number, item information such as the description, list price and units of measure will populate the form.


Adding Custom (Configured) Items


Custom items are added to an estimate by the Configurator.  To configure an item, right click on an empty line and select Configure.


After the Configurator form opens, select the Product Line item you wish to configure.  Once you select the applicable Product Line, the configurator will load the options which correspond to the selected Product Line. 


Set values to the required options and click the SAVE button when finished.  The configurator will now create the Bill Of Materials (BOM), assign the Routing (Labour Work Cells) and return the list price to the Estimate line.  For more information please see Entering Orders with the Configurator.



Order Quantity vs. Priced Quantity



This example illustrates how the Priced Qty field works in relation with the Order Qty field.


These two quantities are basically the same, but sometimes they can be expressed in different units of measure. For example when you order in one UOM and you price in another.


In the image below we show identical units of measure (EACH) for Order and Priced quantities.


In the following image we show different units of measure for Order (EACH) and Priced (BOX) Quantities.


The relation between these two units of measure for the item is 1 (BOX) contains 12 (EACH). So now the Priced Qty expressed in Boxes is 0.25 (BOX).


The Excel Pricelist workbook will return the price per the selected unit of measure provided that the workbook has been setup to handle the unit of measure.



Modifying Existing Estimates



To edit an existing estimate, simply choose the estimate you want from the drop down-menu in the upper left hand corner of the form and then make any changes necessary.  Remember to click the SAVE button to save your changes.


NOTE: You cannot print estimate reports while the estimate is in an unsaved state.  You will be prompted to save your changes upon attempting to print an unsaved estimate.