Automatically Default Selections as Other Properties are Selected

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The ability exists within the system to default one property based of the value of another.


In the example shown above, for the MNP product line, when a user chooses the value of LA-15 for the Laquer property, the Color property on the Configurator screen will change from what ever value it was to a default value of Antique Bronze Bisque.


Note: The user is not limited to just this value. Rather, this is simply the default value given a previous selection.





To link a property default:


From within the product line maintenance form, go to the tools menu and choose “Linked Property Defaults.  The following form will open.




1.Choose the product line that you would like to work with from the drop down box.
2.Under the Property Values, choose the controlling property and its Value.
3.Press the insert key on the keyboard to insert a line.
4.Under the Default Property column, choose which property is being controlled.
5.Under the Default value, choose which value to default to.


Note: Press the insert key to add in as many different properties as needed. Only one default value per property can be chosen.