Menu Functions

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File Menu


Add the Shipping Order just like the ADD button at the bottom of the form.

Save the Shipping Order just like the SAVE button at the bottom of the form.

Deletes the Shipping Order just like the DELETE button at the bottom of the form.

Close the form just like the CLOSE button at the bottom of the form.


Tools Menu


Will set the quantity shipped for all shipment lines to the total quantity available to ship for the associated sales order lines.

This option will approve the shipment, locking it to prevent additional modification.

Will generate an invoice once the shipment has been approved.

Will instruct the shipping module to consume available inventory for the item on each shipment line.  Shipments must be approved to update inventory.

Will set the quantity shipped for all shipment lines to the total quantity available to ship for the associated sales order lines, approve the shipment and update inventory for the shipment.

Allow users to complete all Packing Slips that need to be processed all at once instead of individually.  Users can also update inventory and approve invoices from this window.


View Menu


Will load all shipping numbers that exists in the database into the Shipping No drop down.

Will be populated with options to filter the shipping numbers that will be loaded into the Shipping No drop down where the entry date is within the current date less the


Reports Menu


Allows you to print an individual packing slip report.

Displays a dialog to allow you to print a group of packing slips from a selection of Shipping or Sales Order numbers, by Customer or by Shipping Date.


Help Menu


Shipping Help



Grid Context Menu (Right Click)


UOM Conversion

Shipping Search

Item Running Balance

Inventory Lookup

File Attachments

Save Spread Settings

Restore Spread Settings