Re-Sorting Properties

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Frequently as product lines are developed the sort order of the properties needs to be re-evaluated. You may want to insert a property between two existing properties. To rearrange properties use the procedure outline below.


NOTE: When you re-sort properties they will be transferred into the input worksheet in the same order. If you change the sort order you must adjust your excel file to match. If you have a complex excel sheet, this could be problematic. Also, re-sorting product line properties after the product line has been used to create live transactions will prevent items configured prior to the property re-sort from being easily reconfigured as the previous property values are not mapped to the new property values.  Seradex recommends that the list and sequence of properties be finalized as early in the process as possible.




To re-sort properties, click the Re-Sort Properties check box to check it then enter the position in which each property is required to appear in the Position field.  In the example above, the position numbers were entered in increments of 10; this was done so that in the event new properties are required to be inserted between existing properties, the existing properties following the newly inserted property would not have to be renumbered.