Item Setup
If you have Child Items in your Bill of Materials that you normally ship as separate pieces and the final assembly of the Root Items typically takes place at the Shipment Destination, these Child Items must be marked as Show in Advanced Shipping in Item Main form of the Item Editor.
Adding and Editing Package Types
New Package Types must be added directly to the ShipDetailsPreDefinedPackageTypes table in the database.
The following is an explanation of the purpose of each field.
Element Type: A single character used by the system to identify the package type. This is not visible to the user,
PackageNoCode: Another code used to identify the package type; this code is visible to the user.
PackageTypeCodes: A code used to identify the particular style of a package type. Multiple codes can be created for various styles of each package type.
Description: A description of the package type. This description will appear in relevant menus
PackageFormHeader: The caption that will appear as the title of the package editor.
AvailableParents: Other containers which can hold this container.
PkgImage: The number which represents the image used for each package type. Currently only values 1 and 2 can be used.
Adding and Editing Packages (Package Sizes)
New packages (package sizes) can be added via the program interface. Click the Holders button on the main screen.
Select the Package Type you wish to assign the new package to from the Pkg Type drop down menu,
Then click the Add New button.
Define the new package by entering the relevant data into all available fields.
When you have defined the Width, Length and Height fields the Cubes field will be calculated automatically.
After you are finished, click the Save button. If a Package is no longer used, it can be made inactive by checking the InActive box and clicking the Save button.