Option B:  Direct Link to Accounting System Tables

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This option can only be used when the accounting system is on SQL SERVER on the SAME server.


1.Determine the SQL naming convention to your accounting system data tables.  The format is always DATABASENAME.OWNER.  The easiest way to get this value is to look at enterprise manager.



Here we are looking at NorthWind as the database name and you can see the owner of the tables is dbo.  In this case, it is “Northwind.dbo”.


2.Enter the owner name in your sxRuntime database to tell Seradex the location of the accounting data.  Open up the appropriate sxRuntime.mdb, then open the Databases table and type that value into the LinkedServerPath field.


3.Some accounting systems, such as Accpac and Great Plains, are spread across two databases.  For example, Accpac keeps the currency table in another database and Great Plains keeps the SYS0030 table in another database.  As a result, you must create a view in the database you specified in the linked server name field which has the SAME name as the table in the other database.  To do this create a view in your main Accounting data that you are pointing to and create the view.


You must create the view so it reads from the correct database.  For example, if your Accpac data has a database called MAINDAT, the owner is Accpac and you want to do a view for ARCUS, the view would be called ARCUS in the other database using the format SELECT MAINDAT.Accpac.ARCUS.* FROM MAINDAT.Accpac.ARCUS


4.The final step is ownership, if the owner in your main accpac data is NOT dbo the view you create will be to the DBO owner.  You must change the ownership of the view you created to match the rest of the Accounting Package tables.


To do this, you must use the stored procedure sp_changeobjectowner.  The two parameters are the original name and the owner, for example, changeobjectowner dbo.ARCUS, Accpac.


Option B2:  Creating Views for all Required Tables


This option is the same as B1 except you will create 1 view per accounting system table. The benefit of this option is you can easily alter how update accounts works without having import definitions created by Seradex which are billable.


Create a view as you would in step 3 (do not worry about the ownership as long as it is DBO) for each table you need to link.  The value in your linked server path in step 1 and 2 will be your Seradex database name.dbo. (ActiveM.dbo). Once this is done, you can edit the views to limit the query to whatever you want.  Please note if you start altering fields in the view they MUST be aliased as the same name as they are in the accounting package table. 




Both Option B1 and B2 require any user that can run update accounts to have the rights to the accounting data or it will not work.