The GenKey form is used to establish the document numbering format used in each module specified on the form. It appears as shown in the image below.
Enabling Flow Key Through Forms
The Flow Key Through Forms option allows for a transaction number of a source transaction, such as an Estimate, to be assigned to transactions created from the source transaction, such as Sales Orders, Work Orders and Invoices, so related transactions have an identical transaction number. This may be desirable for easier transaction recognition.
To enable Flow Key Through Forms, open the GenKey tab in Application Preferences by either selecting Application Preferences in the Utilities section of the OrderStream profile bar, or by selecting GenKey Info, also located in Utilities.
On the line containing the transaction GenKey information you wish to assign the preceding transaction’s number to, check the Flow Key Thru Forms checkbox. Click the Save button to submit your changes.
Next, go to the end of the of the spread on the form. In the record for the transaction type you checked the Flow Key Thru Forms checkbox, enter the Actual Field No and the Actual Table Name.
Using Work Order as an example, enter WorkOrderNo into the Actual Field No. column and enter WorkOrder into the Actual Table Name column.
Now that these changes have been performed, click Save and the next time you generate a work order from a sales order, the work order will possess the same transaction number as its source sales order.
Auto Assigning Item Numbers via the Configurator
When mastering items (creating new item numbers using the Configurator), you have the option of creating new item numbers in the Excel workbook, or allowing the system to automatically assign an item number to the newly created item using an Items GenKey.
Open the GenKeyInfo table of your ActiveM database. Type “Items” (without the quotes) into the TableCaption and TableName fields. You can enter the rest of the GenKey data from the GenKeyInfo form in the system.
Open the GenKey tab in Application Preferences either by clicking on Utilities > Application Preferences or by clicking in Utilities > GenKey Info.
Scroll down until you see “Items” in the Form Name column. Click on “Items” and turn your attention to the top portion of the form (within the red box above). Setup the GenKey in the manner you wish; you have the option of including a Prefix, Suffix, the month, day, or year. You must define a counter length. When you are satisfied with the GenKey format click the Set Format button then the Save button at the bottom of the form.
Prior to automatically generating item numbers from the configurator, you must first setup the system to master items. Go to Application Preferences and view the Configurator Settings tab. Make sure the “Add Configured Items to [Items] (Master an Item)” preference is enabled.
Next open up the product line Excel workbook from which you want to master items and view the Input sheet. In Cell C10 enter 1 or -1 to enable the Auto Create New Item Numbers functionality.
GenKey Form Field Reference
Prefix (Header)
Characters appended to the start of the GenKey.
Start No (Header)
The number at which the GenKey counter begins.
Suffix (Header)
Characters appended to the end of the GenKey.
Counter Length
The number of digits in the GenKey counter.
Restart Period (Header)
Set Format
Clicking the button will set the genkey format to be saved.
Clear Lockouts
The genkey creation process must be locked briefly during the generation of transactions to avoid genkey duplication. The system normally ends the lockout period automatically, but if it is necessary to manually clear the lockout (for example, if the system process is terminated while a transaction is being created), clicking this button will do so.
Form Name
The form the genkey belongs to.
Flow Key thru Forms
The transaction number for a transaction will be carried forward to identified subsequent transactions. For example a work order can have the same number as its sales order which has the same number as its estimate.
Generate Personal Key
Enables a custom or “Personal” key to be created for a transaction.
Start Number
The number at which the GenKey counter begins.
Prefix (Details)
Characters appended to the start of the GenKey.
Suffix (Details)
Characters appended to the end of the GenKey.
Date Format
The format the date is expressed in within the GenKey (i.e. YYMMDD)
Last Key Generated
The last GenKey that was generated for a transaction.
Restart Period (Details)
Table Name
The table transaction using the GenKey are stored in.
Counter Length
The number of digits in the GenKey counter.
Year Chars
Number of digits in the Year format.
Year Desc
Text description of the Year format.
Month Chars
Number of digits in the Month format.
Month Desc
Text description of the Month format.
Day Chars
Number of digits in the Day format.
Day Desc
Text description of the Day format.