There may be circumstances where it would be beneficial to display an image on the configurator form to provide the order entry user with an understanding of what the configured item looks like. This is possible in OrderStream and it is extremely simple to setup.
By default the header of the configurator interface looks as shown in the image below.
Image Display Setup
Images are dynamically loaded onto the configurator form based on the value of cell E18 of the Output sheet in the product line workbook. Enter the full path and file name into this cell as indicated in the example below. This value can be a formula enabling you to create a path and image name based on the property selections available in the Input sheet.
After your product line workbook has been setup, go to OrderStream Application Preferences and click the Configurator Settings tab. Check the Show Configured Images check box and click the Save button.
Now when you create a new configuration with the product line you have just setup, the configurator form will display the image returned from the product line workbook and the form will feature a slightly different layout as shown in the image below.