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The “Consolidate” function reduces the number of records displayed on the Material Requisition for easier processing. The records will not be consolidated on the PO, as items may be required for different work orders.


When you click on the Consolidate combo, the choices are shown below.




1.Identical Items by Due Date (Day):  Groups the same item with same due date for PO processing. At PO, items will display as separate line items, but PO issued to Vendor will show 1 line item (Requires custom PO to consolidate)
2.Identical Items by Due Date (Week):  Groups the same item required within 1 week for PO processing. At PO, items will display as separate line items, and can be re-grouped by Purchaser.
3.Identical Items on a Work Order:  Groups the same item required for a Work Order to one line item on Mat Req form.  When PO is generated, items required for different work order lines will appear on separate PO lines.  An alternate PO report may be obtained to consolidate the items on the PO submitted to the vendor.
4.Items by Item Number Groups the same item independent of date. At PO, separate line items show by date required.