Applying Commissions from OrderStream to Quickbooks

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The process and setup that is required to post commissions from OrderStream to Quickbooks are as follows:


1) All sales reps that have commissions must be set up as vendors.  That means in the sales rep must be tagged to vendor and it would appear you have that setup.


2) A special Genkey setup called CommissionAP is needed.  To get this Genkey go to the Genkey table and add a new record, the fields Table Caption and Table Name must be CommissionAP. Set year, month and day characters to what you want, look at other records for samples.  Make a prefix, now you will need a start number which should correspond with the ctrlen (for example ctr len 4 the start number could be 0000 or 1000).  You leave lastkey blank


3) In Day End is a menu option under Tools called Import Commissions select it.


4) All invoices with commissions that have sales reps that are vendors pops up you select the invoices you want


5) After selecting the Export button it will generate one Vendor Invoice per Vendor and per exchange rate breakdown.  Basically if you have two US invoices one at 1.05 and one at 1.07 you get two invoices as the rate is stored against the header


6) Since it creates approved vendor invoices you just do the normal AP posting and there you go.  Now you can run this as often as you like but most run it once or twice a month as you will get a nice summary invoice for the month.  You can run it every day but you will be filling up QuickBooks with a lot of little invoices.