Creating Bar Codes

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If you need to create bar codes for the data collection module or the work order report, the legend below shows the required fields. Remember, each bar code must start and end with a “*”.


Work Order  WoId/WoDId/ItemspecOpDId/OpNo/CellID/Suffix

*1/1/181/20/1/WO*  (Required - Generated on Work Order Report)


Employee  EmpID/Suffix

*90/EM*  (Required)


Task  CellTaskID/TaskNo/Suffix

*14/402/CT*  (Required)


Work Center  CellWCID/Suffix

*4/WC*  (Required)


Job Cost Category JobCostCatID/JCCatCode/Suffix

*13/SCR/JC* (Optional)


ITEMNO   ItemID/ItemNo/Suffix

*71/INK-TM-120/IT* (Optional)


OP NO   OpNo/Suffix

*20/OP* (Optional)


SCRAP REASON   ScrapReasonID/Suffix  (See ScrapReason table)

*1/SR*  (Required)


DOWN REASON   DownCodeID/Suffix  (See DownCodes table)

*2/DR*  (Required)


Optional Commands



START           Suffix  *SS*     *SS*

END               Suffix  *SE*      *SE*

COMPLETE   Suffix  *SC*     *SC*



START            Suffix  *RS*    *RS*

END                Suffix  *RE*    *RE*

COMPLETE    Suffix  *RC*    *RC*



START           Suffix  *DS*    *DS*

END               Suffix  *DE*    *DE*


SAVE             Suffix  *SA*    *SA*

CANCEL        Suffix  *CA*    *CA*

CLOSE           Suffix  *CL*    *CL*