Vendor Invoices for Receipts of Goods and Services

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In this process, it is assumed that you have issued the Purchase Order, received the product and have now received the invoice from the vendor.


To begin creating a payment for the invoice:


1.Open the Seradex Financials module.


2.Select the “Accounts Payable” menu option on the top left of the screen.


3.Select the “Pay Vendor Invoices” option



4.The current date is filled in to represent the date that this batch was created on. Note that you can adjust this date if you wish to.


5.Select the bank account that you would like to use for the payment(s).


6.The current balance of the account is displayed for you. Also, the list of open invoices to be paid is now displayed.




The list of payables is all open payable invoices regardless of currency. Care should be taken to ensure you choose the correct payables for the bank account you are using.


The top row of the list of payables allows you to filter to narrow down your list of payables.


7.Indicate the method that you would like to pay (Cheque, Cash, Debit..)
a.The list of payment types are used to allow users to track the different payment types they have used. This is typically then used on custom reports to show for example the months payments grouped by payment type.


8.You can choose to view the payables due in the next 7 days, 30 days or all open payables.


At this point, the list is now populated and filtered to show you all the open payables. Remember that you can still filter in the list by entering your search criteria on the top row on the list (more then one column can be filtered on at any time).


9.Left click the “Pay” check box to indicate that you would like to pay the selected vendor invoice.


10.As invoices are included in the batch, the total payment and balance on the account are updated for your review.


11.Once all your invoices are selected that you would like to include in the batch, press the”Create Payments” button on the bottom of the screen.
a.Note the label of this button will change dependent on your payment type.
i.Ie..if paying by Cheque, the button will display “Create Cheques”


12.The screen will now adjust to remove the selected invoices and reload to show you any remaining payables


13.The payables are now in the cheque system of financials waiting to be printed. Please refer to the Creating Cheques section of the manual to process your newly created batch of cheque(s).