Importing Customer Ship To Addresses From Great Plains

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Note:  The following information applies only if you are using Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains as your accounting system.  This functionality is not supported if you are using any other accounting system.


OrderStream has the ability to import customer ship to addresses defined in Great Plains via Update Accounts.  Great Plains currently is able to specify one address as a ship to address for a customer whereas OrderStream supports multiple ship to addresses per Customer.


In the following example, Address Code SHIPTO1” is the ship to address for this customer.  OrderStream update accounts will treat this address as the default ship to address for the customer.




In order to support multiple ship to addresses in Great Plains, update accounts looks for a specific setup of your address record.  The following is a sample of a valid OrderStream/Great Plains ship to address record.  Make sure you enter "SHIPTO1" (without the quotes) into field UserDefined1.  This is required to allow update accounts to recognize the Great Plains ship to address.




Please note that since Great Plains does not support naming customer ship to addresses (they have only an address), the ship to name in OrderStream will always be automatically set to the customer name.  Also, the Address ID field becomes the Customer Ship To Code in OrderStream.