Granting access to the QuickBooks company file for the first time is an administrator function of QuickBooks; it can not be done by any user. Access must be granted at the time OrderStream is requesting access (when running either Update Accounts or Day End Processing). If a QuickBooks Administrator has not configured Quickbooks to provide access to OrderStream, the following message may be displayed:
80040418 - This application has not accessed this QuickBooks company data file before. Only the QuickBooks Administrator can grant permission to access a QuickBooks company file for the first time.
Resolving Error Code 80040418
Exit the error. Open QuickBooks with the correct company file, logged in as the QuickBooks Administrator, and in single-user mode. You must have Administrator privileges to perform the functions described below. From the top QuickBooks menu; choose Edit, Preferences, scroll to Integrated Applications, and choose the Company Preferences Tab. If the program is not listed, exit the Preferences section and run the program again, granting permissions as shown below.
If the applications are present, make sure that the top two boxes on this screen are not checked. Below these check boxes is a box listing applications that have requested access to your QuickBooks company file.
For Certified Payroll Solution and Wage Manager Solution - make sure that there is a check mark under the "Allow Access" column, highlight the application name and click on the Properties button. In this window, you will want to make sure "Allow this application to access this company file" is also checked. The "Login as" drop down box should be set to Admin or someone with the same privileges as the Admin. Additionally, you will want to make sure that "Allow this application to access Social Security Numbers, customer credit card information, and other personal data" is also checked.
For Construction Application for Payment Solution - make sure that there is a check mark under the "Allow Access" column, highlight the application name, and click on the Properties button. In this window, you will want to make sure "Allow this application to access this company file" is checked and "Allow this application to login automatically" is also checked. The "Login as" drop down box should be set to Admin or someone with the same privileges as the Admin.