MRP Usage

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Go click on the Purchasing Tab, click Mat Req, go to the Tools menu and select MRP Form.  When the form opens it will appear as below:




Click the Apply Filter button to initiate MRP.




Lines possessing a blue background are sub contract parents.  Lines with a white background are normal stock items while lines with a yellow background are stock items which have demand created from on hold sales orders.


NOTE:  Each column in the detail section of the form can be resized in order to better view the data.



Colour Code Legend


Blue - Subcontract Parent Items


Red - Discontinued Item


Orange - Sales Order on Hold






Due On or Before


To display demand on items within a defined time frame, the user can utilize the Due Date Range feature as shown below.




Clicking the Due Date Range radio button and specifying a date in the date field, will display demand from transactions with due dates up to and including the specified date.  This is an effective method to limit results, thus preventing the purchasing of items that are not required for a considerable period of time.


MRP Grid Filtering


Users can limit their results by entering data into one of the several filter fields on the MRP form as shown below.




Enter a value into a filter field and press the enter key.  The MRP form will reload displaying only the results that match or partially match the filter value.


The following MRP fields can be filtered on:


       Item No




To remove a filter, select the Clear Filters option from the Tools menu.


Exclude Non Tracked Items


Items with their tracking type set to No Tracking will be exclude from MRP calculations and will not appear on the MRP form.  This option is enabled by default. 


Include Stock Items With No Demand

With this option enabled, items flagged as stock will appear on the MRP form if their inventory quantity is equal to or less then the item's reorder point even if there is no transactional demand for the item.  This functionality is the same as Add Reorder items; however, it permits all stock purchasing decisions to be made from a single form.


When Include Stock Items with No Demand on the MRP form is not checked, inactive items will be shown in red.


When Include Stock Items with No Demand is checked, the inactive items with 0 demands will not show up.