Field and Tab Reference

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The quantity of the item currently in inventory

The quantity of the item currently on an open purchase order

The unallocated quantity of the item currently on an open Mat Req.  Materials allocated to sales orders, work orders or sub contract documents sent to the Mat Req form will not be displayed in this column.  Only unallocated materials sent to the Mat Req form from the main MRP form will be displayed

The demand on the item originating from all open Estimates

The demand on the item originating from all open Sales Orders. 


If the Transaction Lookup is used to send buy materials to the Mat Req form or to generate sub contract documents AND the Disable Assigning Owner Info from Buy/Stock MRP Lookup application preference is disabled , the quantity added to Mat Req will be deducted from the total quantity displayed.  This also applies to the Qty Req Est and Qty Req WO columns.

The demand on the item originating from all open Work Orders

For sub contract parents, the quantity of the sub contract parent on open sub contract documents

Used in the case of nested sub contract parents.  When sub contract documents are created and another sub contract parent is among the material requirements for the created documents, the quantity of the nested sub contract parent required to satisfy the requirements of open sub contract documents is displayed here.

The reorder level for the item specified in the Item Master

The reorder quantity for the item specified in the Item Master

The quantity of the item necessary to purchase to satisfy demand, reorder points and reorder quantities.  The demand derived from Estimates does not factor into the Qty To Buy.