Field and Tab Reference

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Delivery schedule number.

The date the Daily Truck Scheduling information against a transaction number to allow historical viewing based on when the delivery schedule was created.

The date of delivery.

List of customizable statuses that may be assigned to delivery schedule documents.

The person who created the schedule.

The person who will be driving the truck.

Number of the truck that will be used to make the delivery

When a delivery schedule has been finalized it may be approved to prevent further editing.


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Open Sales Orders Tab


Check to add row to the delivery schedule.

The sales order to be delivered.

The sales order due date.

The packing slip for the order being delivered.

Your customer's purchase order number.

The delivery method being used.

The actual date of delivery.

The customer being delivered to.

The customer's address.


Open Purchase Orders Tab


Check to add row to the delivery schedule document.

Your purchase order to the vendor that is being picked up.

The due date of the purchase order.

The vendor being picked up from.

The vendor's address.

The pick up method being used for the delivery schedule.


Delivery / Pickup Details


Clear the checkbox to remove the row from the delivery schedule document.

The route being taken to complete the deliveries / pick ups.

The sales order being delivered.

The purchase order being picked up.

The customer address being delivered to.

The address that the purchase order being picked up will be delivered to.

Used to enter additional information for the order on the delivery schedule.

Opens Google Maps.

Includes: Street, City, State/Prov, Country, Postal / Zip Code, Phone and Fax

Contact person that is assigned to the sales order or purchase order.

Contact's phone number.

The date the schedule was created

The date the shipment is to go out.




Additional information that applies to the delivery schedule document as a whole.

Create a new delivery/pickup schedule.

Save a delivery / pickup schedule.

Delete a delivery / pickup schedule.  Note: This will delete the entire schedule. To delete individual rows select the row you want to delete and press the delete key on your keyboard.

Closes the delivery schedule module.